Saturday, April 19, 2008


Just updated the look of the blog a bit. I liked the other one, but it was too hard to read and not enough color. I think this one should be a bit better. Maybe once we find if it is a boy or girl, we'll update with appropriate color, but for now, we'll try this.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Another Good appointment

Had our regular monthly check up today. Since there was no school, ODell went with me. (Unfortunately the last appointment of the day is 2:45 pm so for every appointment, I have to take a half day off of school. )

Anyway, heartbeat came through strong and loud. Forgot to ask what it was, but the dr. was happy. She also wanted to schedule the 2nd trimester ultrasound for next month. I was thinking it would be the end of May/beg. of June, so May 18 is a nice surprise. I'll be exactly 18 weeks that day, so I am VERY hopeful that we'll see the sex! For those who were wondering, I'll have a total of 3 ultrasounds, one each trimester. I don't know if the others will be the same 3D as the first, but it would be cool if they were.

Ooops forgot the most important detail (ODell reminded me!) The blood work that went with the first u/s came back good. That means that it doesn't appear to have Down's syndrome! Next u/s will rule out spina bifida.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

First Pics!

I know I haven't posted in several days, just too much going on. Had a great ultrasound on Thursday and all looks good. All measurements within normal limits, which means that right now, the odds of a major birth defect such as Down's are small. Little Boo was looking way too cute with his/her hands up by the face the whole time. So much so in fact that they almost couldn't get an important measurement of the nasal bone.

If you look at the pics, you can see the Boo is upright. The top pic has the hands up by the head. On the second one, the tech took off the one arm so that we can see the face better. If you look closely you can also see a little bit of the legs. We also had the traditional blurry b &w's but thought these were so much cooler to post. (Click on the pics to enlarge them.)

As for the new clothes, I got a few shirts from Kohls, Motherhood Maternity, and Once Upon a Child. Looks like I'm set for a while now, hopefully the rest of the school year. (Which is only 7 weeks away, but who's counting!) I'm going to try to post the pics here. If they don't come out well, let me know and I can email them.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

U/S All set & Preggo clothes

Got a call from the Drs. office today, letting me know that my 1st trimester ultrasound was approved by insurance, 6 weeks later! Anyway, looks like we are all set for Thursday afternoon. ODell is going with me so this will be cool. Please pray that everything comes out just right.

On a lighter note.... I am going to need to make the jump to maternity tops this week. The pants are great, but now my regular tops are just getting too tight and are too short to work with the pants. I think I finally put on a couple of baby pounds. However, right now, I'm just looking pleasantly FAT!

So there you have it.... news for the day.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Great Day!

Feeling SO much better today. Still wheezing a little bit, but much more energy. Had a good day at school and even came home by 5 pm. :-) (Most days it has been 6 or 7 pm!) Cleaned up the kitchen, did some laundry, vacuumed, and made dinner. Whew, that's the most I've gotten done in days if not weeks.

Hopefully the trend will continue.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Try #2

After creating a website on, I realized that there was no room for blogging, just our journals and you signing the guestbook. Therefore, am trying this out to see if it works any better. Guess we'll see!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday update

Saturday, April 05, 2008 Feeling okay this week. No more morning sickness, yea! However, the asthma was giving me fits. On about 4-5 new meds that will hopefully stablize it. Been wheezing a lot, and did wake myself up from a nap because of it. Dr. put me on a nebulizer about 4 times a day for now. I guess it's helping, my chest doesn't hurt any more, but the wheezing is still there. Got LOTS of sleep today and that always seems to help a bit. Goal is to feel better and get down to 2-3 treatments a day by the middle/end of the week. We'll keep you posted.